Figure 1. David's fallen Tent.
Ruin, an utter ruin I will make it.
It shall be no more until he comes to whom it rightfully belongs; and I will give it to him.
Ezekiel 21:32 (Tanakh)
By and large, the Jewish people - the House of Desolation - hold to their Covenant of Death, which is a thoroughly corrupted version of the Mosaic Covenant and which disavows Jesus as their Messiah.
The Messianic Jews take the corrupt new-covenant bible as their authority. They take whatever doctrine appeals to them from the Covenant with Death and from Paul's new-covenant doctrine.
Meanwhile, the new-covenant church hold to Paul's annulment of the Covenant. This has been replaced by Paul's new-covenant doctrine.
The current status - as at 21-Jan-2024 - is that of David's fallen Tent.
During this period there were no officially appointed shepherds. There was only the 'Priesthood of Believers'.
At some point in time, the Lord was unhappy with the way the church was going. Hence the 'Job Review'. Of particular interest is the fact that He makes the raw data available to all, the details of which are contained in the verbatim dialogue in the Book of Job.
The Lord concluded that the Priesthood of Believers was not working. And His projections indicated that unless something was done, then the church would quickly crash and burn.
So, the Lord decided to upgrade the Post-Eden Covenant to the 'Mosaic Covenant'. Timing, of course, was everything, and so the upgrade had to await more suitable conditions.
It wasn't until the time of Moses13C that conditions were right for the implementation of the upgraded Covenant.
During David's reign, he captured the old city of Jerusalem and brought the Ark and the Tent of the Covenant into the city.
Although David wanted to build a temple of stone for the Lord's dwelling place, he was forbidden. That task was given to his son Solomon.
Today, we might feel that the Lord was hard on David by giving the building of the Temple to Solomon. Yet this is not the case.
Solomon's Temple would be destroyed and rebuilt. Herod's Temple would eventually be destroyed in 70 CE and would not be rebuilt. Further more, the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE would render the Covenant unenforceable at the Physical Level.
Whereas David's Tent continued to exist at the Spiritual Level, if not the Physical Level!!!
But then disaster struck.
Razed to the ground c.33 CE et seq.
David's Tent was razed to the ground by:
With the death of Jesus, the Office of Levitical Priest was reduced to the ranks, to little more than Levitical Servitors subject to the authority of the Priesthood in the Order of Melchizedek; this effectively abolished the former Office of Levitical Servitor. What remained was the House of Desolation bereft of shepherds. Of course, many have set themselves up as shepherds of Israel, though none of them have authority.
Paul, with his annulment of the Covenant, reinstated the 'priesthood of believers'. This was doomed to failure. The evidence is to be found in the 'Job review' of the state of the church at that time, and the subsequent implementation of the Mosaic Covenant.
The annulment of the Covenant has left the new-covenant church without true shepherds. One need only look at the church today to see the damage being inflicted by those jumped-up heirs to Paul and his false doctrine.
The new-covenant church attribute their false doctrine to the authority and direction of the Lord Spirit. Hence those who defiantly attribute this false doctrine to the Spirit, will be entered into the Blacklist.
Version: 21-Jan-2024